Alifend Portfolio

Andrés Felipe Celis


My projects


It's a project made to keep track of all your ingredients and items on a shopping. Allows you to create new items, add them to a cart and save them in a list to use later. Also has a statistics page where you can see the items you buy the most.

NextjsCSS-modulesNestjsMongooseIncremental Static Regeneration

Cat wiki allows you to search among 67 breeds and see the details of each one


You can practice your typing skills with this game, you can use your own text or get one random quote from an API.


Its a landing page for Edie's small team showing their services.


It't a recipe page where you can see Ingredients, Instructions and some details of the recipe.


It's a final checkout page where you can see a summary of your items, quantities and prices and also a shipping form.


Landing page for an interior consultant


Prototype of profile page where you can see images and some details about profile's user.


Landing page showing a team


404 page for a website

Contact me

Interested in working together? Have any questions? Lets talk!